On behalf of the Bishop Griffin Assembly, #0201,
4th Degree Knights
of Columbus (Springfield, IL)
I welcome you to our website. This
website is
informational site for our assembly to keep abreast
assembly news,
events, and meetings.
If you are a 3rd degree member of our Springfield Diocese, I
personally invite you to join your brother Knights into the 4th degree
Assembly #0201.
Exemplifications will be posted here with
information regarding
becoming a 4th dregree member.
If you are not a member of the Knights of Columbus,
I invite you to
join our organization and become active
in your parish community.
Contact your parish office
to get in contact with your council
Grand Knight.
Vivat Jesus!
Sir Robert A Bentel, Faithful Navigator
Mailing Address:
Bishop Griffin Assembly, No. 0201
Post Office Box 8831
Springfield, IL 62791-8831